Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone. I have never been the advocate for Valentines Day since I think it is somewhat over hyped, yet I love the idea of couples spending time together and showing each other how much they truly love one another. If you are like me you don't have a lot of money to spend on a large gift or an expensive dinner. Here are some great ideas you can do with your better half that wont break the bank.
If you can, bring our girlfriend or boyfriend a "picnic" at work. Surprise them with some of their favorite foods that they may not always have or just bring some sandwiches and cupcakes. You can go and eat at their work or go somewhere else, just spend the time together.
If you cannot get to your better half's work or have lunch with them, put a sweet card in their bag or briefcase for a surprise when they get to work.
If you are like me and not a great cook, surprise your better half with a home cooked meal, or better yet cook a meal together. Make something you don't always have and make a cake or dessert together as well. It will be nice to spend the time together and take time to do something together as well.
If you cannot do anything special on the actual day, set time apart another day or the next weekend to spend time together, go to a movie, or just spend time together.
Valentines day is all about love and it should not be commercialized.

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